Ronny Gey studied business informatics at the TU-Chemnitz and then worked as a research assistant at the University of Leipzig and the FSU Jena. Since 2018 he has been working as a trainee at the University Library Leipzig and is studying library and information science at the IBI at the HU Berlin.

Katrin Leinweber studied life sciences, ecology and geology, then shifted towards process automation, data analysis and software development. She supports and trains researchers and librarians in these topics since 2017.

Alexander Struck has an academic background in LIS & CS. He worked for the content industry and does research on citation networks, research evaluation and research software discovery. Alexander is CIO of the Cluster of Excellence – Matters of Activity.

Robert Strötgen is a historian and information scientist and has developed scientific software at various institutions such as GESIS and the Georg Eckert Institute. Since 2016 he has been head of the IT and research support services department at the University Library of the TU Braunschweig and is now deputy director.

Christian Pietsch is a computational linguist in Bielefeld University Library’s library technology and knowledge management department. Recent DFG projects he contributed to include CONQUAIRE (Continuous quality control for research data to ensure reproducibility) and ORCID DE. Occasionally, he is involved in running BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).